Audience Comments & Images from the Show

A beautiful rendition of a modern Greek tragedy.

Brilliant, heartfelt, audacious, moving.
A powerful story for our time.

Thank you for shaking my heart.

Photos by Paul Schraub

I spent three months volunteering in Skala Sikaminias. I thought you beautifully captured so many different aspects of the people there, the tragedy, the beauty and the different pieces of the story. Very touching, very real.
Thank you.

Thank you for the kind of challenge and beauty we all need so badly, and for telling a story about the other that deepened, rather than trivialized who they are to us.

The amazing chemistry between the actors, the commitment, physicality, humor and tears. This must be seen by more people, seen all over! Thank you for for moving me. Thank you.
I liked the particularities of each character, they kept me interested and charmed.

You brought such a unusual cast together and they were such an ensemble....

I am not exaggerating when I say that that was perhaps the best play I have ever seen in my 42 years of life. Where to begin…I am so moved. It was perfect. Absolutely perfect. Funny and devastating, and the music, and the choreography! You need to do this show elsewhere. Everywhere!